Publication: May 26, 2024
A/B testing to win arguments - why it's not that bad
Don't use A/B testing to solve arguments between founders, C-level and other groups of people, that's kind of the go-to advice.
But there might be benefits to using Experimentation to built a Culture of Experimentation within your company. That's why we don't always shy away from it, we use it as a tool to:
- Get people hyped up about experimentation that generally are not interested;
- It helps the argument's instigator and opposer understand the scientific process of A/B testing;
- It can help you find the best version of a page or element;
- It can be the start of many iterations
The down-side of agreeing to do an A/B test to solve arguments might be that there will be a habit of A/B testing for the sake of settling arguments.