Publication: Mar 25, 2025
No or Low Code A/B Tests to Try for your eCommerce shop right now
No Code or Low Code experiments can be a great way to start increasing your conversion rate by running A/B tests, or just a way of increasing your velocity. More tests = more learnings.
A few great things to try:
Removing and hiding elements
Hiding elements in your webshop can lead to unexpected results. Less = more. Some of the biggest CRO agencies have said this is their #1 trick to increase conversion rate.
Some examples: especially cart and checkout benefit from a clean page. In this test we removed the logo and the cart icon from the cart which led to an increase of +3% in transactions.

It can be as simple as using your visual editor or adding a display:none to your CSS to make it happen!
Different headlines
The H1 is not only important for SEO but also for speaking to your customer and convincing them about your product. Playing around with this important piece on a home or product page can make a difference. Usually you can tweak this by using the visual editor of a testing tool - without any code.
Adding Microcopy
Microcopy to your most important CTA on a page can have a huge positive effect. But... the microcopy needs to be relevant. How to make sure you put the write text in there? CRO Research! We've found that especially helpful methods to write copy are: customer surveys (discover why people bought your product and what where their fears or doubts) or moderated interviews (to ask how your product is precieved).
This works for B2B as well as eCommerce.
It can be as simple as writing a small jQuery script to attach some text to a button
$( "<p>microcopy</>" ).appendTo( $( ".container" ) );
Placement of reviews
Social proof on a product page is often very important, ánd so is the right time and place. So make sure you've found the best spot for your product reviews and try to play around with placement. Usually you can do this through the visual editor of your testing tool, and otherwise it can be as simple as writing a small jQuery script to attach the piece to another part of the website
$( "<p>microcopy</>" ).appendTo( $( ".container" ) );
Change color of cart notification
When visitors return to your page, make sure your cart stands out with a notification element that has a striking color. For one of our clients this led to +8% in transactions.

Changing button colors
This will only be a succesful test for you if right now your CTA blends in with your design ór you'll have a ton of data. But if your current main CTA blends in, it might be time to turn up the volume on colors to motivate people into the right direction.
Want to learn SOME code? We highly recommend this course about coding A/B tests.
Want help boosting the velocity of your experimentation program? We can take care of that! 👇